About Nanny Aut

This is the bit I really hate – I would much rather be talking about my child, my cat or autism – my current deep interest. Part of the reason I have set up Inside Aut is that it allows me to talk about my deep interest for hours – while making a real difference to parents currently drowning in a sea of bad information.

But I have been told that this is needed for the website – so here goes….

I didn’t have a promising start in life – non-speaking past the age of three, doctors advised my parents to forget about me and put me in an institution because I was a lost cause. Luckily my parents didn’t listen and by five not only was I talking but sent home from school for trying to talk politics in the playground. And have been talking a long streak ever since.

I have had multiple careers in my life, excelled in performance but still let go because I wasn’t a ‘team player’, despite my best efforts, including home-baked chocolate chip cookies – and I bake a REALLY good chocolate chip cookie. I now know the issue wasn’t me – the issue was that my masking made them uncomfortable and they couldn’t pinpoint why.

I have several degrees including a Doctorate and not one of those pieces of paper bought me long-term acceptance in the employment world. However, everything I learned, I have kept and used in other areas throughout my life – so the time wasn’t wasted.

My favourite careers were Design Engineer and Teacher, particularly teacher. It broke my heart to walk away from the teaching profession when I was given the stark choice – use bully tactics on your students or lose your job. Of course, the school didn’t put it like that – ‘Adhere more closely to our behavioural policies’ I believe was the actual phrase.

Despite some pretty large indicators throughout my life, I went unidentified as autistic most of my adult life. And after identification, I was too busy being a teacher to do much about it. It wasn’t until I walked away from teaching and some health issues forced me to stop for a while that I put my research training into practice and took the time to do the in-depth research that I needed to figure out how my brain works and how to work with my brain. This then turned into my blog on autistic-village.com.

And now I get to combine being an Engineer – how things work and how to get them to work to their best – with being a teacher and talking about my deep interest, autism. How perfect is that? I can even talk a little (with permission) about my child and the things that helped them on the way to being the incredible adult they are today.

I am greatly looking forward to meeting all of you and sharing my knowledge with you. When I started my journey, I knew very little (Rain Man, cough!), and needed to dedicate four years of my life to doing research to get to where I am now.

Parents don’t have that time (at least I didn’t) so I want to shortcut that learning journey for you and give you the answers you need – now.


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