
Skills for Learning - The Autistic Way

There are some things that I can’t do, and the general population can. These are things that, no matter how much effort I put into learning and how much willpower I apply, my brain doesn’t and will never work that way.There are some things that I can force my brain to do, but really shouldn’t, because the cost for doing them, in a way my brain wasn’t designed to, is too high.And there are some things that I can learn to do, although often in a different way to the majority, with supports in place – mental ramps, if you like.

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Inside Aut is an educational, safe space for parents to learn about how to raise their children as authentically autistic.

We all love our children and want the best for them. Finding out how to do that is hard for any parent, often doubly so when their child is autistic. Suddenly there is no manual, no guidebook, only judgement for being a ‘bad parent’, when you are doing your absolute best. And that is not fair.

Inside Aut provides that manual. We teach you about your child’s needs and why they are important. We teach how to remove the barriers that are holding your child back. We teach how to guide your child to be their best selves. And this knowledge isn’t just based on my personal lived experience but years of hard work and research.

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